Agility Fitness

Sorry, we are not offering agility right now. We need larger indoor space for rental. If you have a lead, let us know!


Introductory workshops were offered as a 3-hour fun-style class only a few times a year, and great for dogs new to sports! Come earn your WonderDog title in a Workshop!

Seattle FlyDogs is proud to provide Introductory Agility lessons to the public. We are a club dedicated to creating an accepting environment of all breeds and all speeds in canine sports! We have created 3 new FlyDog levels centered in improving your dog’s core strength, confidence, and overall fitness:WonderDog – demonstrates new knowledge and safe use of agility and fitness equipment, dog/human team shows progress in learning to navigate each obstacle and challenge

ThunderDog – demonstrates good navigation of most equipment with limited luring, limited hesitation, and good team coordination.
UltraDog – demonstrates great teamwork on all equipment without lure and is ready to perform at events! UltraDogs will do field trips to attend special off-site workshops provided by Agility Experts.

Stay in touch by joining our mailing list!

We are so excited to emBARK on this new Agility & Fitness Journey! Our lessons are indoors out of the rain, mud, cold, and grime. Come be a FlyDog!

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